Installing sun-java-6 with apt-get in Linux

Recently i ran into some trouble trying to install sun-java-6 into a Linux server because newer Ubuntu versions do not provide sun-java-6 packages. After some digging i was able to find a solution. You can get it working by adding new sources into apt-get sources.
 There are two ways to get it done easily

1. by running add-apt-repository command
 sudo add-apt-repository "deb oneiric main"

If you do not have add-apt-repository already installed you can install it by doing
 sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

2. by directly changing the source list file
 sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

Then add the line into the file.
 deb oneiric main

After you have added this line into the sources from any one of the above methods. perform
 sudo apt-get update

Now you should be able to install sun-java-6 without any problem with apt-get install. 


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